A new website is launching that is going to be great for Kentucky fans everywhere. WhereToWatch.com is a website launching in late-August and will allow you to search for bars where other UK fans watch the Cats play no matter where you are in the country. Not only will you know whether the game is on, you'll know about how many UK fans watch at that particular bar, whether they have the SOUND of the game, and any specials during the game. I don't know about you, but whether a bar has the sound on is a HUGE factor when choosing a bar to watch a game or if I even want to leave the house.
The site will reportedly have both football and basketball. This is going to be great for UK fans in and out of the Commonwealth. Oh yeah, they'll also have listings for every other college and professional team in every major sport, but whatever, let's focus on what's important here: We're talking about watching the Cats with other members of the Big Blue Nation no matter where you are!
Keep up with their progress on Twitter @Where_To_Watch